Saturday, August 1, 2015

Troubled Waters

We are a nation of immigrants. In fact we are a world of human migration which has been studied by the National Geographic Genographic Project. Through DNA sampling we have an opportunity to view thousands of years of "family " historical migration patterns.

Moving to locate better resources or a safer environment is part of the biological imperative for self preservation. This desire to stay alive is built into the psyche of the organism which seeks food and shelter and tries to avoid the dangers of predators and starvation.

I am not against immigration. I think our "melting pot" approach to absorbing those who migrated here is a big part of what has made this country great. What made this work so well in the past has been that through constant "tweaking" of our policies we were able to populate our country with workers when we needed workers during periods of expansion and limit immigration in cases where new arrivees would flood the labor market and depress wages for those already here.

In this collection of people who came here for opportunity; we made sure they were healthy, literate, and able to communicate in English. These characteristics made them find it much easier to integrate into the society as a whole. They were able to become part of the culture of this country. They might still keep some of the customs of their country of origin. but wanted to adapt here and become Americans.

What are we seeing now? Not so much assimilation. I just read that our president has made an executive order that takes wording out of the citizenship oath so there is no requirement to be willing to take up arms to defend this country. This is not even conscientious objector status. It actually preempts that. This is but one example of how more and more we see the rights of citizenship being freely given without the corresponding obligations.

The Refugee Resettlement population is an interesting subset of immigrants. Our local communities do not get to choose who comes or even know about their arrival until they are here. The UN picks them and the process is so lacking in transparency that I wonder if the refugees that come here even have much to say about where they are being sent. I get the impression these people are shuffled around like chess pieces for the UN agenda above all else. Otherwise, why would we be seeing so much anti American sentiment from these refugees we have welcomed into our fold?

We have seen Somalis of all ages on video in Minnesota saying they think things were better for them there under Sharia and several young men have gone back to take up arms against us. We have had a number of attacks on our soil since 9/11 by disaffected immigrants. The latest one in Chattanooga, TN was perpetrated by a young man who seemed to have everything going for him, so why did he hate this country so much that he killed military recruiters at a shopping center plaza?

I think that there has probably not been a time in the history of our country that we have been more welcoming of immigrants from all over the world. Why do I say this? I think we have as a nation, been so conditioned to have politically correct responses that we have lost our  natural instinct for self preservation. We now welcome with open arms the very people who openly say they want to destroy us, culturally and physically.

We are facing a danger that as the host we are being colonized for takeover. This is Migration Jihad and while it may not be on the agenda of the lovely person you met at the market, it is certainly the agenda of those calling the shots.

We can see the patterns all over the world where there are clashes between these new immigrants and their hosts. I am not picking on Muslims, but it has been the UN agenda to send them here. I would have to ask why? If we really want to help people why wouldn't our predominantly Christian country be rescuing persecuted Christians in the Middle East?

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