Saturday, July 18, 2015

Change Course

Will this be the time people wake up and face the serious threat to our way of life presented by Sharia. Today the fifth victim of the Chattanooga killer died from his serious wounds. This fine young man, a Sailor with a young family joined the four dead Marines.

The shooter was a Palestinian Muslim who was born in Kuwait. He arrived in the United States at age 6 and from outward appearances lived a fairly normal mainstream life. He graduated from college with a degree in chemical engineering which in this job market would lead to career and financial success. It looked like he had a lot going for him. He had been treated well in this land of opportunity.

On further inspection we learn that his father was a stern and brutal man. Public divorce records showed the shooter's mother alleged brutality and sexual brutality toward her and physical abuse of the children. Apparently the father also wanted to take another wife, as is the custom under Sharia. The family ended up staying together, under what provisions we do not know. But the actions of this father would not be that unusual under Sharia where women and children are valued less than men.

The father had a history of a name change. Some think this was to hid radical Palestinian terrorist connections and had been on and off watch lists. The shooter had two questionable lengthy trips to the Middle East, one to Jordan lasting seven months. Could he have slipped into a training camp in Yemen? Was he radicalized on his travels or right her in the USA?

We cannot continue to welcome people who follow a belief system, Sharia, which is at odds with the Constitution. We cannot keep looking at these Sharia families and expect them to uphold our values. They are not here to assimilate. They are here to take over and when they are in control it is foolish to expect we would be treated with the same tolerance we have treated them. They are on Migration Jihad which is what is expected of them as Muslims.

For many Americans this last shooting is the tipping point. If the definition of insanity is doing the same things over hoping for different results we must stop the insanity. We must stop the people who want to kill us. We must declare a moratorium on all Muslim immigration until we come up with a better way to figure out if we are welcoming friend or foe.

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