Saturday, June 13, 2015

Getting started

I follow current events and I keep up with news from many sources in a quest to have informed views. I share my thoughts with my close friends, but had not considered doing a blog until reading Ann Corcoran's Refugee Resettlement Watch. Ann is a prolific researcher and writer. I admire her dedication and courage. So when Ann said we must do things like blogging I sat up and took notice. With Ann as my inspiration I will be writing to see if I can make a difference.

I live in Michigan. We are one of the top 5 states for Refugee Resettlement. We do not receive the most refugees per year, but based on our smaller population than states like Texas and California the resettlement impact is more concentrated in Michigan. I will be reporting on this in more detail tomorrow.

And, the formal Refugee Resettlement program is not the only way refugees come here. There are also asylum programs and special visa programs.  There is also internal migration. Even if people land in another state it is possible that they could move to Michigan to be closer to family members or other members of their ethnic group.

Once the refugees arrive they are settled in by placement contractors. This just covers the very beginning of the stay. Once they have housing and help with looking for a job the original contractor is out of the picture. If there are further needs they are met by Michigan taxpayers for food stamps, Medicaid, and various subsidy programs. Some refugees can make a go of it on their own, but some need help on an ongoing basis. I am finding it challenging to locate the numbers that show the financial impact of RR in Michigan.

Who decides which refugees come to the U.S. and Michigan? The answer is the UN. There is sign off on the numbers by our president and congress but how much individual vetting is done is open for questioning. Many of the refugees come from war torn lands where records are scarce and we also know of many abuses in UN programs over the years. There is a "pay to play" mentality from the oil for food scandals of the past to one I just heard about this week where refugee women were forced to pay for food and baby supplies by providing sexual favors to UN workers.

There is a lot of information out there. It is just difficult to access. It is not a very transparent program. In fact, it is one cloaked in a certain level of secrecy. Most places would be concerned if they knew about an influx of people who would be likely to cause a financial drain on taxpayers for increased services cradle to grave. And information, particularly advance information is not forthcoming.

There is growing feeling in this country that the UN is not doing a good job. In fact in a recent poll 57% of Americans said just that. There is a current bill in the House of Representatives authored by
Congressman Mike Rogers of Alabama called the American Sovereignty Restoration Act which aims to have the US get out of the UN. If you are in favor of it call your congressman and build the momentum.

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