Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Do we understand what is coming our way?

I had a recent experience that shook me. Being pretty open to new things I have travelled and welcomed broadening experiences. I have been an invited guest into mosques in an Islamic country. But I was unprepared for the strong reaction I felt in a brief interchange I had with a Muslim couple the other day.

The setting was a woman's clothing store. The couple came in with a baby in a stroller. The man was about 30, dressed in a short sleeved tee shirt and running shorts. He looked like the typical young guy you see around town on a Saturday. During the week he could have been a young doctor, or banker. He was open and friendly with a bright intelligence in his eyes.

The woman was in full black burka with only a narrow slit showing her eyes. I focused on the eyes as they provided the only clue to know this woman. I say woman, but I could not prove it. The burka eliminates any form, full length from head to toe. Within the cultural context I assumed it was a woman and mother of the child in the stroller.

Not even her hands were showing. As she fidgeted with the draping covering her lower face I could only see movement under the folds. I do not know if the nervousness or discomfort she was exhibiting was due to the oppressive appearing garment she was wearing on a hot humid day or whether she was uncomfortable because I was breaking cultural norms by speaking and looking at her rather than the man who was doing all the talking.

It was a brief mundane conversation, nothing controversial. When I looked at her eyes to try and make a human connection I was struck how dead and lifeless they seemed in contrast to her husband's expressive eyes. But maybe if I could see her whole face I would have had a different feeling. To me the burka was very dehumanizing. It reminded me of those mesh cages that are used to explore shark infested waters.

When people are kept so isolated from contact with the outside world it could be that they are being protected from influences of a more free society. Islam has very strict prohibitions about behavior. That is Sharia. It tells people how they must behave in every situation. And we know that under Sharia women are not treated as equal to men.

There is not much about Sharia that squares with the U.S. Constitution which is our law of the land. All of the incursions into our culture, including court fights about covering the face for a driver's license picture, to installation of foot baths to accommodate Muslims at the University of Michigan represent the battle plan of Migration Jihad. Patiently and relentlessly chip away at our way of life and desensitize us to what is happening.

I am seeing more and more women in the Detroit metropolitan area wearing the full burka. More mosques are being built. More and more news stories are popping up about Muslims. I would not be surprised if some of the Muslim organizations are using aggressive public relations activities to promote positive stories and bury or attempt to debunk negative news. More and more we are receiving the messages that observant Muslims are holier and more worthy than the typical American. They use their religion as a sword and a shield.

Part of this is for external consumption, but it is also for internal control. Why are second and third generation Somalis in Minnesota more radicalized than their parents? I think one of the reasons is that they are raised in the shark cage and are conditioned to fear the dangers outside their cage. They are conditioned to believe the culture they left is better than the U.S. They would prefer to live in Somalia. It is instructive to take a look at the video linked here.  http://on.rt.com/gdhbs2

Nobody seems to understand that these young Somalis would actually want to wage war against their host country. They want to go and take up arms against us anywhere in the world including our homeland. They have declared jihad. And with all the proof we have here, as well as other parts of the world that have seen turmoil we still have a Refugee Resettlement program. It brings in mostly Muslims from third world countries and it continues to work in secrecy. I would like to see more of an open discussion of this program that seems to be serving as an incubator for terrorists.

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